Dirty Environment Article
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Green Environment: Improving Your Environment
from: Living in a green environment is possible. It does not have to be expensive to create and it does not have to take away from the quality of life you have now. In fact, many people find that once they make some simple changes to their life they can live a life they are more proud. You do not have to make any changes drastically either. Green environment living happens slowly, at a speed you are comfortable with. What is important is that you do take the time to make small changes so that big results on a planet-sized scale can be seen.Making Small Decisions For A Green Environment
Where can you make changes to improve the environment you are living in? Here are several small things you can do to improve your green environment.
• Invest in an extra garbage can to place soda cans in for recycling. Simply empty the bag when it gets full and drop off at your local fire station or recycling bin.
• Change out the light bulbs you are currently using to florescent bulbs, which use less energy and they last for years (this is a huge cost savings for most people!)
• Place a box in your den for newspaper. Drop in junk mail, newspapers and magazines once you are done with them. Drop them off at the local recycling bin once every few weeks.
• Keep your car's maintenance up. Not only will this improve the car's performance for you, it will also improve your gas mileage giving you more fuel for the same amount of money and in turn cutting down your dependence on oil.
• Turn off the TV for a full day each week. Do things with the family instead. Activities like sports, playing at the park or just spending time together with some board games will bring families together and it cuts down on electricity use.
• Raise your air conditioning thermostat by 2 degrees or lower the heating thermostat by 2 degrees to see a large difference in your energy bills and to help lessen your dependency.
• Start a garden and grow your own, organic vegetables. You will save money from the garden and you will reduce your dependency on trucked in foods with pesticides. Do not have room for a garden? Use pots on a deck.
As you can see, a green environment is very possible and very easy to do. You do not have to do many big things to see big results. Green environment changes like this are just the start of all you can do to improve your quality of life.
More info:http://sustainable.multiplepage.com/environment/dirty-environment.php
" Dirty environment to Clean environment"
" Dirty environment to Clean environment"
Disposing Waste is also one of the problems of the economy, people are suffering from the harm it gets. It can cause a lot pain through the bacteria's that we get. Do you Know that we are not the only one who is affected when we do not segregate our garbage/ waste?one solution we can do is to recycle garbage's. first we should have a knowledge about how to segregate our waste from biodegradable and non-biodegradable. many people do not recycle and it is slowly killing our Earth we call home. When you are at your house or apartment or dorm do you take your trash and just throw it on the floor when finished? Well that is essentially what we are doing when we chose not to recycle. Recycling 1 Ton of papers save 17 mature trees, 7 thousand gallons of water, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, 2 bears of oil, and 4 thousand kilo watts hour of electricity. That’s enough energy to power your home for five months. Our planets and more importantly Philippines natural resources are not endless, and if we don’t conserve them and use them wisely weather in 1 thousand or 10 thousand years were gonna ran out. Recycling is extremely important to the present and the future of well-being of our planet and to be practice daily.
See if we continue to recycle, we can help a lot of people especially those people who are working in the "garbage field". I know many of you are thinking, but what am I supposed to do. I’m merely a single college student with no voice. But there are various ways to make things different.
- § We need to show that recycling bins and pick-ups should be alongside every garbage can on campus. I don’t want to blame the lack of recycling on you, because there is a lack of opportunity. But I WILL blame a lack of change on the amount we recycle on you. We all need to take a stand for what we believe is right. For what we know is right.
- § We can also start at our home. For example the cans of Sprite, coke, Pepsi and etc. can be recycled. We can make this a pencil holder or any office utensils, so we can save less money. Then we can create our designs. Well it can also help to enhance our creativeness.
It seems that recycling is becoming the wave of the future. It is so easy to recycle household goods and takes so little time. If you live in the dorms, you have the opportunity to recycle. I hope you don’t sit by and watch our Earth turn into a ball of trash. Stand up for what you know is right. Voice your opinion. And let your actions speak louder than your words. Next time you pick up that Exponent or take a drink out of that bottle, make a conscious effort to find a recycling bin, not a trash can. This is for everyone who is interested in living a clean environment.
If we have "clean Environment" we have "Happy Earth"